coach and Facilitator
Mattice Haynes (she/her) is a global freedom dreamer from the U.S. South who supports Black creators and leaders to live liberation now. She guides Black-led organizations and communities towards radical imagination, collective care, liberatory power, transformation, and wholeness. Mattice shows up in community rooted in a Black feminist politic as an intuitive, resourceful presence, embodied leadership coach and advisor, social justice facilitator, and organizational culture alchemist.
Jen Willsea (she/her) is a white antiracist leader, known for the depth of experience and skill she has been cultivating for the past twenty years. As a student of Black feminisms, decolonization and embodiment, Jen partners with white people in a process of unraveling allegiance to white supremacy and building the inner and collective strength necessary to stand up for the freedom of Black people, Indigenous people, and all people of color on their own terms. Based in Atlanta, Jen queer parents two small children, sews clothing and quilts, and is learning how to roller skate.
Fatima Youssef
Project coordinator
Fatima (pronouns: she/هي) is a consultant residing on Muscogee (pronounced [məˈskoʊɡiː]) land, where she collaborates with community-based organizations, foundations, and the inspiring constellation of Justice Consultants who support them. Fatima sees herself as an operational coordinator, capacity supporter, and truth amplifier.
Drawing from her richly diverse background as a product of the African and Palestinian diaspora and her extensive experiences living outside the United States, Fatima's work centers on exploring the intersections of systemic racism and violence within the United States and Palestine. She is dedicated to fostering meaningful dialogue between marginalized communities, particularly Black Americans and Palestinians, to forge alliances and resist oppression collectively. Approaching her work with a lens for analyzing power dynamics and finding solutions grounded in love, Fatima's writing serves as a beacon for transformative change in communities worldwide.